Spread the light

Has been awhile since i last update! been busy with school, blogshop, tuition etc etc etc. i thought i should take some time off to write about what has been happening :) this week is project's week! which means no school but have to stay home to finish up them. on a happy note, i get to do things that i have been wanting to and spend more time catching up on movies.

During the weekends, went over to Amara hotel for a night stayover to celebrate Xinying's surprise 21st birthday. It was a different kind of twenty-first birthday cause its really comfortable! with the comfy beds, aircon, television with all channels, room services! omgggg i wished we get to extend a night or so!

the highlight of the night was uh i-don't-know how to explain. ohwells, pictures!

As of now, i feel like getting away from all the projects and internet or cut myself away from the world for an hour or so and escape into my own. How i wish...

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