Haiji Lane
have been busy with projects and tests for last week and this coming week :( however, reading colourful blogs make me happy!
click on the links below.
Jesus, lover of my soul
its 2.32am now.
i still haven complete my literature review :( i was pondering about my university life. very boring, very dead. and very sick of the long bus ride. let me do something!!! (okays, i know this will have to start from me)
tonight, I will be thinking of twinkly stars across the universe, and honey stars.
Let this week be good.
The three books i borrowed to get me through the long bus rides to school
Meet my new plant, SPIKEYYYY. it is big isnt it!
actually its this small. but its really comforting to see greens around
Dear Pamela
Hope you are doing goood there!!! im saving $$$ kaching kaching to go over and see you! :)
And it hurts the most when the people you love so much fail to see how much they're really worth. you might be wondering why i felt this way. because my internet connection is giving me hugeass problems when im needed to start on an assignment like NOWWW. and my beloved brother didnt even help me or give a shit. and it feels like everything that im doing is wrong in my parents' eyes. like seriously. through the things that they say, or act upon. even if im back home late, at 10pm on the dot, you will see my phone ringing. its vvvvv irritating. why no freedom. why so serious.
“Sometimes you just have to stop caring. You have to turn off all emotions and feelings to protect yourself from getting hurt. You have to stop caring what other people think of you and be yourself. Sometimes you have to hide it all, and not let anyone know how you feel or what you think. You gotta put a smile on and pretend everything is fine, even when it’s not. Sometimes that’s the only way to save yourself from a broken heart.”
What could be better than this
with the great company
fried egg oysters
& last of all, the couch that never fails :)
Here to Stay
so far so good, haven hate school yet. let's hope for the better! :)
do you hear me
i have officially ended work last wednesday. working in the club, i would say its a different experience from the other jobs that i have taken before. ive got to know new friends, like huijing! she hears my rants from all the blues that i get, helped me in my work, accompany me to eat steamboat etc etc :)
met-up with serbian, pam and yiting
and ive been coughing like maddd :(
Day 7 - 8: Halong Bay
we had to board a small boat before going to the junk boat

really glad to see the travel agency helping to build schools for the halongbay's kids :)
dinner! focus on the flowers and notice that they are hand-crafted out.

with the first officer! he collects coins all over the world from tourists like us. haha.
The trip to Halong Bay was awesome! a love grew in me for the biting chill of the sea breeze, got to feel the damp salty morning air, the restlessness of the tides, to the joyous nights of just talking on the top deck. sadly we didnt catch the sunrise but thank god for the good weather!
Day 4: Motorbike Experience
Jonice and Jenson were the darings one i would say. They did the first round of motorbike renting and drove for an hour while wy and i hang around the Sapa Market, checking out the manicure pedicure prices. haha, i know rightttt.
However, on the last day all of us decided to rent once more. So both wy and i decided to rent a bike together, she will take half an hour and the other half an hour to me. At the start, i was so so scared, i could hardly balance myself with the bike and the local people were staring at me like im some animal in the circus. but some of them were kind enough to help me balance and startup the engine and all.
here comes the grandmother's story...
we had to return our bikes to the rental shop. only jenson knew the way back to the place. so in a line, jenson & wy then jonice and im the last. not even halfway through, a lorry came over and cut in front of me. after the lorry turn, i cannot see jenson or wy or jonice. I PANICKED. im like oh shit wth. how can i be lost in such ulu place. i tried riding in circles and circles looking for them, and i think i really was too scared and wanted to stop the bike. I JAMMED BRAKED. sia lah... the whole bike stopped and both the bike and i collasped to the right.
my mind was in a whirl. so i didnt care of the pain but more of "what should i do now!!" i so wanted to cry when i realised the bike's engine cannot even start and im lost in this place. thank god that one of the local people helped me and directed me to the hotel. and along the way i saw wy and jenson!!!! can you imagine, i totally heaved a loud loud loud sigh of relief and was so thankful.
& LOL after i was found, jonice was MISSING. thankfully, she found her way back also!
the cuts that i had on my right leg.
and when we returned the bike, the lady boss checked and realise there was cracks and openings on my bike. i once again panicked. she demanded 2 million dong and insisted that the YAMAHA bike is an expensive brand. i didnt have that much dong at that point in time, i mean seriously who so crazy to pay 2 million dong! that is like $140++ in sing. thankfully jonice helped me argue and reasoned with the lady boss and paid her 1 million dong in the end (although i think i was scammed)
thank you jonice, wy and jenson for sponsoring me 100,000dong each :) haha.
i would say this whole experience is the highlight of the whole Hanoi trip, causing mental, physical and spirtual stress. haha. it was fun and im proud to say i rode a motorbike in my whole 20 years of living! ^^