This week happenings:
meetup with serbian, raphael, shiling, edwin, jaclyn, junhao and bryan for dinner. both bryan and JH is enlisting in real sooon! its nice to meetup with them after so long of dilly dally. haha. went to thomson road, flaming grills for western food. the food was not bad plus price is really reasonable and we had beancurd for dessert. though was a short time spend, but i really wish the guys all the best in NS (:
& every tuesday seems to be movie outing with cass and wy. caught sex and the city 2, it wasnt that bad. i could hear all the ladies, "wahhh, ohhhh" when they spot brunches, beautiful clothes and shoes. the girls would probably gush about it while the guys might think it was a waste of time. haha. we had dinner at cuppage plaza and had once upon a milkshake. see what i mean... food again. lol. but still, im excited for this week's brunch!! :)

photo credits: wy
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