Tiredness level: 99.999999/100
my body feels so weeeeek :( currently having a bad sore throat and all my coughs are dry which makes my throat feels even worse. i spend my whole morning and afternoon in bed sleeping, drinking my 800ml of water, popping panadols. however, in the evening i had to do studying. next week there are 3 presentations together with report submissions and 1 written test. and today i felt the whole dread of studying, couldnt focus and was distracted by the drowsiness.
holidays are ending and im not looking forward to it. there are so many things to do when school reopens. the holidays passed real quick, just three weeks and its gone. ohwells. i feel like ive been complaining alot. shall tuck myself to bed now.
soon there wont be poly sch life anymore! appreciate it the best u can eh. and remb, no matter how tired u are, God is with you so who cares! lol.
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