I've also been in a major slump lately. As in a slump on the couch and feel sorry for myself everyday those kind. I feel lost, not sure which direction I should be headed in.
always trying to make excuses for all the things I didn't accomplish this month. I realize I'm someone who has dropped many lately and hasn't even had the energy to pick up a dozen others. I also beat myself down emotionally all the time for that. And the more I spin myself around in the "I'm not good enough" ringer, the more I start to believe it, and the slumping ensues.
I know I'll get over this- slumps have come and gone before. although in the other post i mention that i just want to be happy, it just struck me in today's sermon that it is not just about me. but its about how God is shaping my character in life as i go through all the trails. tears starts to formed when i see how people find peace in their heart each time they turn to God. its just so amazing to know how BIG our God is, who is in control of everything, a tower of refuge and strength. i found security and faith once again in God, and i like how pastor say "do not be conformed by the world, but be transformed by the renewing of mind."
God, i love you.
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