school day 3

Habit weakens all things; but the things that are best at reminding us of a person are those which, because they were insignificant, we have forgotten, and which have therefore lost none of their power. Which is why the greater part of our memory exists outside us, in a dampish breeze, in the musty air of a bedroom or the smell of autumn's first fires, things through which we can retrieve any part of us that the reasoning mind, having no use for it, disdained, the last vestige of the past, the best of it, the part which, after all our tears seem to have dried, can make us weep again.
-In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, Marcel Proust


so this was today. serbian drove to school today.

after school, me bryan and junhao hopped on and headed to serangoon gardens for lunch plus dessert. omg. the dessert was really good. DURIANNNN again (: haha. the dessert cafe was quiet and nice. the feeling was just there. MUST GO ANOTHER TIME!
we went to kovan for bowling after that. totally surrender to JH. the bowling ball just move straight while the rest of us slant and ended up in the "lang gao"

Kovan Bowling

Bryan aka BRA

Jun Hao aka PRO


afterwhich, bryan and jh had competition. and their score....
sometimes hearing friends share about their dream is weird. like bryan's - to open a BANK. upon hearing this me and serbian ROFL. haha. but today is considered as a best day upon school reopens. thank you serbian for driving (:

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