it has been three weeks ever since school started. how fast right! now we have to be geared up with upcoming projects. so far, everything are fine. been juggling between school, tuition, blogshop and serving in gkids. it gets really tiring for me at times, however God has sustained me through and im learning to trust in Him for more!
though there were times where im unsure if im heading towards the correct directions, asking myself what is worth fighting for, dont know how to describe how tired i am at situations, fighting against the desires of the world - it makes me reflect and i can only thank God for the sufficient grace and strength He gives me for each day.
& it got me thinking when am i most vulnerable to compromise?
'There will always be people and circumstances in our life that will challenge us to choose between God and another. It might be your family, your school, perharps even your dreams. The question is, what or who will you choose. Is God always the first choice, or have we compromised because other things are dearer to our hearts?'
Guard my heart, O Lord.