The sun is my fave.
20th Birthday
As i hit the BIG 2-0...

Had dinner with family at cedele. I remember it was a sunday, i went to church and afterwhich i slept alot alot before heading for dinner. though me and my dad debated whether i should drive cause he was scared that i might crash the car in the shopping mall's carpark. but in the end i couldnt pluck up courage to drive in the carpark too, it is just too scary. plus it was my birthday, i wanted everything to go smoothly. hahaha however, it was one of the peaceful day where you spend time with family and myself, which i kind of like it v.much :)
Had dinner with family at cedele. I remember it was a sunday, i went to church and afterwhich i slept alot alot before heading for dinner. though me and my dad debated whether i should drive cause he was scared that i might crash the car in the shopping mall's carpark. but in the end i couldnt pluck up courage to drive in the carpark too, it is just too scary. plus it was my birthday, i wanted everything to go smoothly. hahaha however, it was one of the peaceful day where you spend time with family and myself, which i kind of like it v.much :)
What makes you happy?
My blog is officially 'dead' due to lack of postings. i decided to post something today since it is a sunday and i stayed home all day. I would always tell myself to get off the chair, turn off the computer and head outdoors, but it never happen. I then started thinking, what gives me joy in life (i know, its super-duper random, but that is how my mind works)

1. Visiting my grandmother
most of us would think wah, how can going over to gram's place be a joyful thing. but i really enjoy paying my grandmother visits, gather with my cousins and play with my nephews and nieces. we often spend time watching chinese tv shows (ai) while having a simple dinner together. and sometimes after dinner, we will go to the park downstairs to have a walk. sometimes i really wished i could move in with my grandma!

2. Finishing my work
sometimes just by seeing my projects deadline coming nearer and nearer, i just dont feel like dealing with it. then there are days where i felt slightly more discipline and manage to do something. By the end of it, i would have a huge sense of accomplishment and be pleased with myself, like having one off from the to-do-list.
3. Lazy afternoons
i love love love weekends afternoon where you spend quietly, lying on the couch or bed, reading a book while snacking away or baking something that you always wanted. it just feels like the time is all yours! No rush, just pleasure while soaking in the cool weather.
4. Getting away
The moments of arriving to the airport and boarding the plane would excite me pretty much! the thrill of knowing that you will be away from all the routine and not knowing what to expect. whooooo!
times like this seems hard to come isnt it?
"Without God, Man cannot."
Thought that i should take time to record down.
I took my second driving test on the 31st July 2010, 11.30pm.
during my warmup, i did all the mistakes which i am not suppose to (eg mount kerb, strike kerb, wide angle turning etc etc) at that point in time i really did not felt ready for the test. however, i just lifted everything to God and He knows me best.
I heard my name being called, i was the second to go for the test. and turn out the tester was quite friendly, but you know, cannot judge the book by its cover. and everything went quite smoothly, from the circuit to road. until i cross the double white line = immediate failure. i totally sian half, thinking that i would need to take the third time, you know how embarrassing it can be! its not like im driving manual car, but im driving AUTO car.
After everything, we went into the result room, and the tester gave a loud sigh, saying that i have no confidence in the room and even cross the double white line. he kept asking if i wanna defend myself, i wanted to LOL when i heard that. DEFEND MYSELF? haha but i just shook my head and told him i shouldnt have cross over.
he cross and circle on the marking paper, and handed me the paper and told me i got 10points! wah, inside me im screaming with joy, but because cannot too happy in front of the tester, i just smile, thanked him and walked away.
Really, its through God's grace, i managed to pass! :) Thank you Lord!
the whole, as a whole
this week was 'happening'. many glorious food eaten, and it makes me wonder if im really able to run for the 21km marathon. that is on the downside. however, on the brighter note, it makes me feel occupied and felt that time is spent more wisely than sitting in front of the computer, watching korean drama. hahaha.

also, thanks to mark x and cass the driver (insanely dangerous, yet safe) who makes the dinner cum supper happen for this whole week :) the company was great also! wheewhooooo.
Food for thought (11 Aug, Wed)
Sunset Grill (12 Aug, Thurs)
Flea@Supperclub (14 Aug, Sat)
after this whole week of 'playing', time to concentrate on studies! it has been really long since i really sit down and organise my school stuffs. SIGHHHHH.
but after blogging this, i felt like i have accomplished or rather strike off something BIG from my to-do-list!
Birthday Wish
courageous faith
How did we ever start hating our parents? Thinking all they do is nag, being a earsore, and people who intrude our free time?
Somewhere along the line, we have let selfishness eat away at the absolute adoration and pure love we had for our parents when we were young. And we replace this beautiful love with ungratefulness, getting picky at them and dismissing what they say. just for? independence, self-respect and privacy.
what a lie we have believed in.
until today something different happen. a step of faith. and yes, i believe i can be a vessel. God, show me. I feel you are showing me these things now because you know i am ready for it. Not to say it is going to be easy, but im depending on you, jesus.
tell me, what does this shows
Times where i have no fate with KOI:
(1) wanted to drink but no pearl
(2) wanted to drink but there is a long queue
(3) wanted to drink but cannot find, ended up settling with sweet talk, and realised the area im at has KOI
Jokown and Gain
this might not make sense to most people (unless you follow korean shows)

I am such a big fan of "We got Married!" still repeating the whole process of chasing after korean drama mama ^^
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