
Hebrews 2:1
"We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away."

1 Corinthians 8:1
"Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up."

The past few days i needed to be alone to clear the mind and thoughts. jotting down was a better way. thanks cass and wy for your concern (: i guess i came to a stage whereby i was turned off by the things surrounding me. at that point when i thought i was alright but actually i was not. though i know what are the right and wrong things to do and not to do, but i choose to turn away from His grace.

I repented and in getting to know the greatness of God, a tremendous comfort comes to me. Nothing so brings peace to the spirit when i am troubled, nothing so brings clarity to my mind when im confused, as the knowledge of God himself.

my goal now.... to know God himself, to become friends with him, to enjoy the intimacy he makes available to us and then to make him known.


Life is a series of battles to fight. There is a ring of truth in this statement whether we live in a nice cushy world or in a threathening or hostile environment. Human strength and rsolving alone cannot change the people around us or the circumstances we find ourselves in. Much less griping and grumbling about it.

But prayer can! it must be one of the most baffling mysteries yet to be unraveled as to why when we know that prayer works, do we not pray or pray like we're praying in these 24hour prayer? Why; when we know the possibilites of prayer; do we not tap into its wondrous working power? Well, Satan knows as much and we need to be aware that he will try his utmost to oppose and sabotage our efforts towards the spiritual disciplines that will build up our strength.

You and I know that our spiritual life is nurtured through prayer and if we do not pray, it's no wonder we become weak and vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy.

Taken from church bulletin


found this in pamelic's blog. it is so true.

today i had the worst emotions in me. i dont know how to describe it, but it is just - angry outbursts, mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, tearfulness, nausea, uneasiness, confusion, fatigue. for the first time pms overwhelmed me totally, from head to toe.

many stuffs went through my mind.
where is my faithhhhhhh


im dead beat after 2 days of service learning. after today i slept through the afternoon swelling heat and was late for tuition. oh gawd. i was late in the morning and another for tuition, twice in a row. hahha.

the kids have their little moments and they can make you laugh and cry at the same time. through the little interactions with them makes me feel like im limiting them. we always assume and these assumptions limit them. and this makes me wonder if im a good mentor to them.

maybe tomorrow.... i should...

Vietnam baby!

I shouldn't forget that the simple things bring the greatest pleasure.

although sad that the trip is over, but it was definately a memorable one! the people there are really friendly and nice. the beef noodles is good. the students there are must simplier as compared to us. everywhere is motorbikes, roadside food stalls, heavy traffic.

but the awesome part is the company :) love you guys!